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Section 8 Housing in Kentucky

We found 28,212 low-income units from 779 properties in 195 cities.
A view of Kentucky

Kentucky Housing Guide

The search for affordable housing can feel overwhelming, but if you're looking for Section 8 housing in Kentucky, you've come to the right place. You're taking a positive first step and Section 8 Search is here to help.

Finding low-income housing in Kentucky involves understanding certain rules and processes, which can vary depending on location. Before starting your search, you should know that the Section 8 Housing Program (also called the Housing Choice Voucher Program) is run by local Public Housing Authorities (PHAs). This means that your eligibility and waiting list details will differ according to the city or county you're interested in.

Explore cities in Kentucky with Section 8 and Affordable housing options.

What You'll Find

  • Section 8 Housing
  • Low Income Rentals
  • Income Restricted Apartments
  • Public Housing
  • Townhomes
  • Public Housing Agencies (PHA)
  • Open Section 8 Waiting Lists

We understand that searching for Section 8 housing in Kentucky can be a journey. Your specific search will be unique to your needs. Easily search low-income Kentucky housing by city, using the grid below. We support your journey by providing resources and tools to assist you in your search. Take your time, gather the necessary information, and know that you're not alone.

How to Search

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Select any listing to view more details including contact info for the property management or authority.

Listing Legend

The following icons represent the type of housing offered based on specific demographics:

  • Accessible housing for disabled people or those with special needs
  • Housing for Families
  • Housing for Senior Citizens
  • Housing for Homeless Individuals
  • Other Groups (Hover the icon to see more)

Find Affordable Housing in Kentucky

Browse listings for housing and PHAs in your preferred location
albanyarlingtonashlandbarbourvillebardstownbeattyvillebeaver dambedfordbelfrybentonbereaboonevillebowling greenbrandenburgbrodheadbrooksvillebrownsvillebuffaloburkesvilleburlingtonbutlercadizcampbellsvillecamptoncaneyvillecarlislecarrolltoncatlettsburgcave citycentral cityclarksonclay cityclearfieldclintoncloverportcold springcolumbiacorbincorinthcovingtoncrab orchardcrescent springscrestwoodcrittendencroftoncumberlandcynthianadanvilledawson springsdaytondixondry ridgeeddyvilleedmontonelizabethtownelkhorn cityelktonelsmereeminenceemmalenaerlangerevartsfalmouthflatwoodsflemingsburgflorencefrankfortfranklinfrenchburgfultongeorgetownglasgowgrand riversgraysongreensburggreenvilleguthriehardinsburgharlanharrodsburghawesvillehazardhazelhebronhendersonhickmanhighland heightshillviewhindmanhodgenvillehopkinsvillehorse cavehustonvilleindependenceinezirvineirvingtonjacksonjamestownjeffersontownjenkinsjunction citylagrangelancasterlangleylawrenceburglebanonlebanon junctionleitchfieldlexingtonlibertylondonlouisalouisvilleludlowmadisonvillemanchestermarionmartinmayfieldmaysvillemckeemiddlesboromiddletownmidwaymillersburgmonticellomoreheadmorganfieldmorgantownmount sterlingmount vernonmount washingtonmt sterlingmt vernonmt washingtonmunfordvillemurrayn middletownnew castlenew havennewportnicholasvilleolive hillowensboroowentonowingsvillepaducahpaintsvilleparispembrokepikevillepine knotpine knottpinevilleprestonsburgprincetonprovidenceracelandradcliffrichmondrussell springsrussellvillesacramentosalyersvillesandy hookscience hillscottsvilleshelbyvilleshepherdsvillesomersetsouth shoresouthgatesouthshorespringfieldstambaughstanfordstantonstearnssturgistaylorsvilletompkinsvillevanceburgversailleswaltonwarfieldwarsawwest libertywhitesburgwhitley citywilderwilliamsburgwilliamstownwinchesterwurtland

If you need Section 8 housing in Kentucky, it's hard to know where to start. The good news is that you've already made a great next step by coming to Section 8 Search. We are committed to supporting you as you take steps to find your next home.

to make the entire process easier. We'll connect you with available listings and provide information on new programs that can help. Let Section 8 Search help you find the right affordable housing in Kentucky.